LUXOMED le corps réagit à la lumière
La presse en parle
Proposer des cures LUXO®
Créer un centre LUXO®
Où pratiquer ?
Qui sommes nous ?
Notre autre gamme

Cures LUXO® Modifier les comportements
Perte de poids Perte de poids
Rajeunissement Visage Rajeunissement Visage
Relaxation Relaxation
Ménopause Ménopause
Arrêt du Tabac Arrêt du Tabac
Centre Luxo® Paris
Team R.O. Becker, C.A.L. Baset, A. Pilla of Columbia University,
New York, was among the first to study the action
of pulsed magnetic fields on bone healing
and regeneration of wounded tissues.
They were

authorized by the FDA in 1975 for human health.

Their use is recognized

in the treatment of joint pain,
osteoporosis and osteo-arthritis.

The magnetic field generators are used
in the USA, Europe, and France for over 20 years
for many diseases.
Their therapeutic value is recognized (

treatment of osteoarthritis,

Prof. Dr. Perrot Menkes,
Cochin Hospital, Paris / Clinical studies on

herniated discs, calcifying tendinitis


inflammatory joint disorders,

Pr A.Bellosi from Rennes Faculty of Medicine).


offers a range of medical devices used by practitioners and individuals for :
  • arthrosis

  • osteoporosis

  • osteomuscular trauma

  • pain

  • arthritis

  • tendinitis

  • bone consolidation

  • inflammation

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